The Aseneskak Casino provides on-site display materials to help educate patrons about the risks associated with gambling and where to receive help for problem gambling. These materials include a number of brochures, posters in washrooms, and responsible gaming messages on the scrolling message display of all slot machines.
The Aseneskak Casino is committed to increasing awareness about problem gambling in the surrounding community. Through this website, and through the placement of educational articles in The Pas and OCN local newspapers, we provides useful information to assist the general public in making responsible decision and informed choices related to gambling.
The Aseneskak Casino provides ongoing staff training focused on recognizing the signs and symptoms of problem gambling and where to refer clients for help. Training is conducted by the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.
To visit the AFM website, click here.
Voluntary Exclusion is a process for people who feel it is in their best interest not to participate in casino gambling. By entering into the Voluntary Exclusion Program you are agreeing not to attend the Aseneskak Casino located on Opaskwayak Cree Nation. This process is helpful to people who have experienced problems as a result of gambling and want to deal with these problems.
For more information on the Voluntary Exclusion Program, click here.
Chemawawin Cree Nation
Health Authority
204- 329-2800
Misipawistik Cree Nation
Health Authority
Sapotaweyak Cree Nation
Health Authority
Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation
Health Authority
24-Hour Problem Gambling Helpline
Mosakahiken Cree Nation
Health Authority
Peguis First Nation Health
Opaskwayak Cree Nation
Beatrice Wilson Health Center